Well most people have a list of their favorite application and here is mine.
Let us just do a top 5.
1. Gnu Screen
2. Gnu Emacs
3. Gnu mc (Midnight Commander)
4. mocp
5. lynx/links (depends what I have to do, if I need to find a file to download I usually use links or elinks, but if I am browsing I like lynx better as it seems smarter about figuring the size and formatting websites correct)
Gnu Screen
I like this piece of software because it really lets me get active and control much more than a usual "window" as I can have several open "screens" and also have several on the "window" and I have mine patched so I can do vertical splits.
And I can do a lot of things (though I still use the usual window for viewing video or browsing with image support, need to figure out how to get screen to support that.
Gnu Emacs
Well this is just really great as I like to keep it open all the time, I no great of vi as I seem to think of the "command" mode to get in my way all the time, I really dislike that I don't know what mode I am in, emacs solves this with the ^x keybinding which I like a lot better. (screen uses ^a which doesn't clobber with any of emacs keys.)
Also I like the ability to run a shell session inside of emacs, and thus being able to compile (I am aware that Vi uses can do the :! gcc options sourcecode, I just like emacs better)
Gnu mc
Well it is a gnu application :-) shouldn't that qualify it to be on this automatically ?
Nah it is really awesome I would consider using this as my default filebrowser for any system text or graphics based doesn't matter, this is just the best app for managing file. (okay gentoo in a graphical environment gets the job done as well, that one is also quite nice.)
I think this is even ported to windows as windows commander.
#look fundamentaly like mc so there is not much to see.#
my music client, it just does that job nice I don't need to stare at the interface all the time I can just call that when I need to start another song or stop the playback, also support network streaming.
#Click that link there are a lot of stuff, if you want more :-) I think I will wonna read that in the future.#
#There are also some pictures of both browsers#
They are both pretty awesome but I use them a bit differently lynx is mainly for the use of browsing in a little screen, or if I need to get some torrent downloaded, lynx is nice with downloading small files, links are mainly used for downloading big files which I am not quite sure about the location else wget is a safe bet.
This is my collection of favorite apps. What are yours
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